Circles are smaller groups within the Guild named after saints and organized around the special interests of their members.

Today, women of the parish are invited to join a Circle that best reflects their interests.

Circle may have a unique focus and can meet with varying frequencies and times to accommodate its members better.  

St. Agnes Circle
St. Agnes was established in 2019 by women who had been part of the parish for several years but were not in a Circle then. Many were previously in a Circle and eager to become involved again now that they had more time for charitable work. Common goals include sharing life’s experiences, serving others, and growing in faith. Volunteer opportunities include Catholic Charities and the Art Impact Project. St. Agnes usually hosts monthly meetings from September through May held at members’ homes and annually at Deerpath Inn and Guild events.

St. Catherine of Siena Circle

St. Catherine of Siena was established in 1988. The circle has monthly meetings at 7:00 p.m. from September through May, and meetings are held in members' homes. St. Catherine of Siena is interested in service, spirituality, and socialization. We support a variety of services by doing things like providing Halloween treat bags to the Soup Kitchen, helping with gift distribution at the Catholic Charities Christmas Gift Program, and baking cookies for the Senior Luncheon. We also have at least one spiritual and one social event each year.

St. Colette Circle

St. Colette was established in 2022 and meets monthly. St. Colette is comprised of mostly moms with preschool aged children, many going to the School of St. Mary preschool and PGC. Our focus is on Spiritual, Social, and Service events.

St. Elizabeth Circle

St. Elizabeth Circle, established in 1997, meets monthly in the evenings from September through May or June, often in members' homes. Our group includes women with adult children and some with grandchildren, united by a spiritual, social, and philanthropic mission. We lead and participate in Guild activities throughout the year and select charities or service opportunities important to us, such as Catholic Charities, PADS, and Camp Hope. Our annual traditions include a Christmas party, praying the Rosary in October, and yoga. Each year, we also aim to host at least one guest speaker on the Catholic faith or an inspirational spiritual journey.

St. Francis of Assisi Circle 

St. Francis of Assisi was established in 1986. An active group of women 60+ with adult children and grandchildren who are neighbors in the West Park area of Lake Forest. The Circle volunteers at Camp Hope and supports the Guild with special projects (Donut Sunday, Baking for different events, Funeral luncheons, Senior Luncheon) throughout the year.  At meetings the Circle hosts guests from the community and church. The Circle meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:00PM.


St. Genevieve Circle

St. Genevieve was established in 2000. St. Genevieve meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month and is held in the Parish Conference Room. St. Genevieve is an active Circle focused on serving the church and community while developing spiritual and social relationships with one another. Our areas of service include lunch packing events to benefit the Roberti House, volunteering at Feed My Starving Children, and participation in Fill a Heart 4 Kids events. Our regular meetings include spiritual development, updates on our service projects, and fellowship. We plan a women's dinner/ speaker event each year, as well as two couple events and several family service events.

St. Girard Circle

St. Gerard is a diverse group of women with grown children. St. Gerard usually meets on the 3rd Monday of each month. Meetings are held at 9 a.m. in members' homes St. Gerard is focused on motherhood, and our activities are centered on mothers and children in need. We are an outgoing and welcoming group of women who combine spirituality, service, and fellowship throughout the year. Some of the charities we support through our activities are The Holy Family Food Pantry in Waukegan, the Baby Shower for Aid for Women in Des Plaines and Gurnee, Camp Hope, Catholic Charities of Lake County, Kindred Meals for teen moms, and House of Peace.

St. Gianna Circle

and St. Gwendoline Circle have joined together to form one Circle. Please follow the St. Gwendoline Circle information.

St. Gwendoline Circle

St. Gwendoline was established in 1999. St. Gwendoline meets monthly on every third Wednesday evening. St. Gwendoline will sometimes meet at local restaurants, attend some interesting events, go for a walk, or have a meeting at a member’s house. We are mothers of children who range from grade school to college-age. There remain approximately six meetings a year; mostly in the evenings. In addition to Guild projects, we participate in the support of Fill a Heart 4 Kids and other volunteer opportunities. Traditional social activities include a fall cocktail party, couples’ paddle night, and a year-end dinner, in addition to some themed meetings designed around spiritual growth and fun activities.

St. Maria Goretti Circle

St. Maria Goretti was established in 2001. St. Maria Goretti typically meets once a month in the mornings, with occasional evening events. We are a group of moms with children ranging from high school to college and beyond. Our volunteer work often includes our teen and young adult children. We are grounded in faith and enjoy getting together to pray the Rosary.

St. Rita Circle

St. Rita was established in 2009. St. Rita usually meets every other month and not during the summer. Meetings are usually held at members' homes, and times may vary from afternoon to evening. St. Rita is focused on Spiritual growth, Social activities, and community Service. We enjoy holiday gatherings, a couples’ Mass, local service activities, Circle prayer intentions, and various other group events.

 St. Rose Circle

St. Rose was established in 2002. St. Rose has monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday or Wednesday of the month, and meetings are held at 7 p.m. in a member’s home. St. Rose is made up of an energetic group of women who are committed to providing service, spiritual, and social opportunities for our members. Service activities also include Guild-sponsored food drives, support of a Catholic Charities Family at Christmas, and drives for various area organizations. Social activities include a variety of activities generated by its members, including a Christmas Cocktail Party. We try to combine our spiritual and social goals often.

St. Monica Circle 

Due to the wonderful growth of our St. Colette Circle, we welcome our newest Circle, St. Monica! This circle will offer the same loving support for young women with small children. While St. Colette has reached capacity, St. Monica offers a fresh opportunity for fellowship, with the added benefit of mentorship from members of St. Colette. Please join us in welcoming this new circle and its leaders as we continue growing together in faith.

Emeritus Circles

St. Anne Circle

St. Anne Circle is a group of women ages 60+, many with adult children and grandchildren. Monthly meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday in the Parish Center Living Room. St. Anne is a group of older women who are enthusiastic and caring. We are primarily interested in spiritual awareness, active support of our members, and outreach to appropriate charities.

St. Anthony Circle

St. Anthony Circle is a group of women who are young at heart, many of whom are widowed. Our meetings consist of a short agenda followed by a nice luncheon. Each month members receive a newsletter with details on upcoming meetings. May is New Business Month when we decide on our charity gifts from the $20 dues. Monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; No winter meetings; Regular meetings resume in May. We support the St. George Fund (for the parish needy) and Camp Hope. We have done field trips followed by lunch at a local restaurant.

St. Bridget Circle

St. Bridget Circle is a group of approximately 40 women, most with grown children and some blessed with grandchildren. We gather to promote friendship, service, and spirituality. In addition to our Circle responsibilities to the Guild, St. Bridget’s is committed to the Wedding Ministry of The Church of St. Mary, Camp Hope, and the Catholic Charities Christmas Programs. Bridget meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 7 times a year. The meetings are held in members’ homes, and we do not meet January-March.

St. Jude Circle

St. Jude monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month and are held at 11:30 a.m. in members’ homes. St. Jude is a charitable and social group of women. We support Catholic Charities and help with ongoing activities throughout the year as well as Camp Hope each summer. We have at least one yearly get together with our spouses, an annual Christmas Brunch, and also try to have a summer gathering. Our monthly meetings are casual at a member’s home or restaurant for special occasions. Some meetings have included guest speakers, book discussions, and trips to a basilica and a shrine.

Learn More

For more information on Guild Circles, please contact Vice President of Membership, Aileen Ellis, at

 Church of St. Mary  ::  201 E. Illinois Road :: Lake Forest, IL 60045  ::  847.234.0205

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